Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Want to come out and meet us?

Hey friends!  Anyone at a loose end around the August Civic Holiday weekend?  Fancy a trip to Nova Scotia?  Want to come out and meet us and have a great fun time as well?  Check this out:

Yes, it's us!  We're holding a medieval-renaissance faire at Willow Retreat.  We'd love to meet some Blogger friends.  :)

Shoot me an email if you're interested:

Monday, March 5, 2012

Snow, snow, snow

So after a major meltdown over the last couple of days, with temperatures reaching 7 degrees C, I nurtured hopes of an early spring.  Foolishly, it turned out, as I woke this morning to a white world and a fresh layer of wet, heavy snow.  Undeterred, Molly and I ventured out. It was actually quite mild: 3 degrees above, and I brought my camera along for the walk:

A snowy garden.

Molly is delighted with it, of course!


So we set off down the lane, to see what was going on.

Our sign is practically buried!

Molly savaged a defenceless spruce.  Puppy bliss!

The mountain in snow.

Huge animal tracks!  Is it a wolf?  A mutant coyote?  No, it's just Molly.  ;)

Spied a pair of these birds. Too big to be a chickadee, and appears to have a tawny breast.  Anyone?

Tracks close to the house.  Fairly small, and in a straight line, so I'm thinking bobcat.

Somewhere down there is our pond!

Okay, I've got to go out and start clearing some of this stuff!  I'll leave you with another pic of Molly, in puppy heaven:
